OCC has been exploring several ways to sustain its programs in light of harsh economic times. This would be a call to strengthening its internally generated income to support its own programs and activities. The introduction of key sustainable activities will allow the organization to be self sufficient and effectively reach out to the community we serve.

We're Looking to Acquire a Bus/Lorry

MCO is seeking to fundraise for a Bus/Lorry in order to shore up our sources of income generating activities.

Key areas needing support;

  1. Sponsorship program for the students both in primary and secondary school
  2. Scholarship program for students to pursue different professional careers
  3. Support to personnel (Salaries & wages) in particular teachers and administration staff.
  4. Support for care and protection of children in the orphanage
  5. Support for the discipleship program
  6. Upgrade of the school and office structures.